Governor Ron DeSantis Puts the Biomedical Establishment on Notice

COVID Mandates Will Never Return to Florida


JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — Today, Governor Ron DeSantis reaffirmed Florida’s stance on COVID-related mandates. Through common-sense legislation and executive action, Governor DeSantis protected Floridians’ liberties and jobs against unelected federal bureaucrats and local government authoritarians wishing to usher in a Biomedical Security State. Under Governor DeSantis’ leadership, Florida remains the national leader in medical freedom and was the first state to ban dangerous gain-of-function research. Read more about Florida’s previous legislation here.


“Even today, parts of our country are forcing children to wear masks in the classroom,” said Governor Ron DeSantis. “Those mandates are DOA in Florida, and we will protect parents and children from this perpetual COVID hysteria.”


“There are forces in our world that constantly use fear and distortion to try and convince us to abandon our freedom and civil liberties,” said State Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo. “Freedom is the Florida way, and each one of us can carry the mantle and preserve it for all people.”


Earlier this year, Governor DeSantis signed the strongest medical freedom legislation in the nation, creating permanent protections for Floridians from the “Biomedical Security State.” The landmark legislative package safeguarded residents’ freedom by ensuring no patient is forced by a business, school, or government entity to undergo testing, wear a mask, or be vaccinated for COVID-19. The legislation also protects physicians’ freedom of speech and freedom to use their best judgement to care for their patients through alternative treatments. Lastly, Florida is the first state to ban unsafe and unregulated gain-of-function research, like the research conducted in the Wuhan lab.


The Governor has also led the nation in bucking the CDC and following the data. In 2022, he announced the establishment of the Public Health Integrity Committee. The Committee is overseen by the Surgeon General to assess federal public health recommendations and guidance to ensure that Florida’s public health policies are tailored for Florida’s communities and priorities. Additionally, the Governor petitioned for a Statewide Grand Jury to investigate crimes and wrongdoing committed against Floridians related to the COVID-19 vaccine.


The Governor was the first in the nation to sign legislation in 2021 to protect Floridians from losing their jobs due to COVID-19 vaccine mandates and protect parents’ rights to make healthcare decisions for students.



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